Month: June 2024

Mana ako Birthday

2 days ago on tuesday Mana Ako went over to the creative space and used the computers to make a birthday card for yourself when you turn 21. We also had to create slides and and Mrs tele’a showed us different topics like how is oyur birthday celebrated and blah blah.

Now since we are on the topic of birthdays whos birthday was it this week? no, no, no, not your cousin happy birthday to him but theres alsso another persons birthday. KING CHARLES THE III, and because of that we got 1 day off. The reason all of us clebrated his birthday as a country is because we are part of the commonwealth which is a bundle of 56 independent countries lead by the King. Do I think it’s a good Idea? yes who wouldn’t want a day off school.

Thank you for reading and please leave a positive comment on my blog.